You've probably heard bosses, parents and peers say it time and time again, 'Time is money, allow's go moving.' For some, it's difficult to equate the intangible concept of time to the concrete bear on and feel of the almighty dollar nib. Only this uncomplicated phrase, when taken at its discussion, just may be the answer to your financial woes.

As a business autobus there are many things I explore with clients when their profits are non where nosotros want them to be, only the commencement is fourth dimension direction.  Solopreneurs, specially those who are tight on funds, can get lost in a cocky-limiting loop, thinking that they must exist available to everyone all of the time and that their time does not take a monetary value.  If you lot believe that yous must be everything to everyone in order to get the next task, sell the next product, be the perfect parent (spouse, friend, dominate, etcetera) or feel - and be viewed equally - successful, then it's probable that you are in that endless loop and running low on steam.

Hither'south a trivial quiz.  Read these true/false statements and see if you've fallen into the time management trap. Avoiding these traps with uncomplicated 'rules' to live and work past will assistance you to increase profits and experience better physically and mentally. Who doesn't desire that?

True or Fake?

When I am courting a prospect I make myself available to them 24/7. I accept them out to lunch, meet them for coffee or drib by their office when a telephone call might achieve the same results.

  • I give away a lot of my products, services and/or time to convince a prospect to buy.
  • I will oftentimes pause my own rules and take risks that could pb to non existence paid on time – or at all.
  • I run errands, practice housework or take personal phone calls during my 'work day'.
  • I become easily distracted on the internet and am taken off-chore at to the lowest degree once a day.
  • I respond phones, read email and endeavor to complete my projects all at the same fourth dimension.
  • When I become a new thought I driblet what I'm doing to explore every angle of that idea.
  • I rarely assign blocks of time or schedule my tasks/goals.  I but exercise them as I run into fit – or when I can clasp them in.
  • I spend a lot of time and resources to close a auction and I don't go on runway of the price (including my time).
  • I feel guilty if I don't answer the telephone when my mother or best friend calls during my work twenty-four hours, so I take the call and feel preoccupied the whole time.
  • I will driblet everything if the opportunity for tiffin with a friend or a fun outing presents itself.
  • I do everything myself because information technology'southward faster than explaining it to my virtual assistant, intern or freelancer.
  • I don't bother with self-imposed deadlines because I can never meet them anyway.
  • I exercise all of my own administrative and bookkeeping work because I could never afford someone to do information technology for me.
  • I have two or more revenue-generating ideas that I feel very confident about but tin never find the time to implement or explore.
  • I don't have fourth dimension to make 'to-do' lists, they never get completed anyway.
  • I oftentimes spend fourth dimension exploring my new ideas but rarely accept the time to implement them.
  • I go to networking events but rarely find the time to follow up with the people I meet.

How many of these time management traps are truthful to you? We all fall into them from time to time, but if many of these statements describe your typical mean solar day, you are probably flushing potential profits downwardly the drain. Track your activities for iii to five days. Go along a notebook at your side and list what y'all do. It may seem similar a boring chore but when you see it in black and white you lot volition exist amazed at where your fourth dimension goes - and hopefully motivated to change your habits. Every bit a business organization owner your time is worth a lot of money – and a lot of information technology! Is it best spent running errands, allowing distractions, heedless about your side by side million-dollar thought (without doing anything about it) and doing $25 per hour work? Do what yous know best and leave the balance to others. Respect your work time rather than running errands and doing housework. If you lot are productive during your work day you will have more fourth dimension to do those things during your off hours – or better still, you will have more than money to hire someone to do them for you!