
How Much More Money Do You Have To Have Till You Can Skip Lives In Miners Haven

The custom Miner's Oasis logo after the update, featuring The Dreamcatcher (v363)


  • 1 Overview
    • 1.1 Rebirth Adjustments
    • i.2 New Items
    • ane.3 Item Adjustments
    • i.4 Gilded Clover Event
  • 2 Miner's Haven Updates


The Skipped Life Update was an update released on March 31st, 2017. This was the first update where Berezaa posted the patch notes on his now defunct website but we have posted them here for your own convenience (Don't copy and paste notes on other pages, we but idea that since the notes below were already at that place, nosotros might as well kept them):

Rebirth Adjustments

  • Rebirthing with much more coin than needed volition now upshot in i-5 lives skipped (but as of 2018, this has been changed to i-20 lives that you tin skip).
  • The chance to go inferno boxes after rebirth has inverse. It has went up from 1/x to 1/6, with improve chances depending on lives skipped every bit well.
  • Rebirth prices take been lowered, and now go up a smaller amount every 100 lives instead of a big amount every 500 lives.
    • Rebirth prices now go up exponentially every thou lives.
    • A glitch has occurred where rebirth prices accept get very expensive for low lifers. This has been fixed every bit of 4/ane/17.
  • The chances of obtaining a Reborn Fusion later on performing The Ultimate Sacrifice has been decreased. Before this update, a role player who did The Ultimate Sacrifice could easily become their hands on a Reborn Fusion, in fact, many players got a Reborn Fusion before they met the requirements of obtaining the Reborn items that made upward the Reborn Fusion.
  • A new bluecoat: Effortless, which requires players to heighten plenty money to practise Rebirth AND skip three lives.


The life skipping equation is:

Rebirth Price * 10^(iii*X) or Rebirth Toll * 1000^Ten = Price for skipping X lives.

Basically, it increases by 1 greenbacks suffix for every skip. For case, if a thespian needs 25Qn to reborn, then it would take 25Ud to skip 6 lives. This Google Sheet can exist used to aid determine the money required to skip the desired amount of lives.

New Items

  • Performing The Ultimate Sacrifice now awards the upgrader and Ultimate Conveyor.
  • A New vintage particular at present appears in boxes, The Dreamcatcher.

Item Adjustments

  • The explosion radius for the Dragonglass Blaster has been slightly lowered.
  • The Ultimate Sacrifice upgrader's conveyor and orientation has been fixed.
  • A global announcement is no longer sent out when a player receives the Overlord Device but the game will notwithstanding announce when a player obtains the Truthful Overlord Device.
  • Ore Cannons goes through more patches and as of this update, ores received a 30% upgrade the start use and receives a ten% upgrade every other use as its upgrade cap has been removed. These upgrades won't count as upgrades and therefore the ore would still be processed for coin in a jail cell furnace.
  • Ore Collider now does a x5 multiplier the first time it launches ores, and then a x3 multiplier for 10 times afterwards that.
  • Dreamer's Ache has received a small nerf at its highest levels as Berezaa noted that it was being used as well primarily in base of operations setups.
  • The Reversible Conveyor has been patched and so that the side of the conveyor with the push has a wall on it to preclude ores from getting stuck. Its spelling has too been fixed and now simply the owner tin control the conveyor.

Golden Clover Event

  • The Leprechaun is parting from Miner's Haven; any unspent Gold Clovers are technically lost, this is due to the fact that Bereza only moved the Leprechaun's Golden Clover lath below the map, The expanse tin can be accessed by jetpack.
  • Clover Shrine and Pot of Aureate are no longer obtainable from Mystery Boxes. The Beehive and Equinox will stay.

Miner'southward Haven Updates

All items (ii)


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